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Represents the state of the channel settings edit dialog.

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class ChannelSettingsViewModel(repository: ChannelSettingsScreenResourceRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel, SendbirdViewModelContract

The ViewModel class used in ChannelSettingsScreen.

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Represents the parameters for ChannelSettingsViewModel.


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fun ChannelSettingsInfo(title: String, imageModels: List<ImageModel>, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Represents the channel settings info that displays the title and the image.

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Represents the channel settings menu to leave the channel.

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fun ChannelSettingsMemberMenu(memberCount: Int, modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Represents the channel settings menu to view the members of the channel.

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fun ChannelSettingsMenu(icon: Painter, iconTint: Color, text: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, action: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = {})

Represents the channel settings menu that displays the icon, text, and action.

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fun ChannelSettingsNotificationMenu(isChecked: Boolean, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onCheckedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit = {})

Represents the channel settings menu for the notification settings.

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fun ChannelSettingsScreen(navController: NavController?, channelUrl: String, modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onTopBarNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit = { navController?.popBackStack() }, onTopBarActionClick: (channelSettingsDialogState: ChannelSettingsDialogState) -> Unit = { channelSettingsDialogState -> channelSettingsDialogState.showChannelEditDialog() }, onChannelRemoved: (String) -> Unit = { navController?.popBackStack(SendbirdNavigationRoute.Channels.route, inclusive = false) }, onMembersMenuClick: () -> Unit = { navController?.navigateToMembers(channelUrl) }, viewModel: ChannelSettingsViewModel = viewModel( factory = ChannelSettingsViewModel.factory( ChannelSettingsViewModelParams(channelUrl) ) ), dialogState: ChannelSettingsDialogState = rememberChannelSettingsDialogState(), topBar: @Composable (onNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit, onActionClick: () -> Unit) -> Unit = { onNavigationIconClick, onActionClick -> ChannelSettingsTopBar( onNavigationIconClick = onNavigationIconClick, onActionClick = onActionClick ) }, loading: @Composable () -> Unit = { LoadingScreen() }, failure: @Composable (e: Throwable) -> Unit = { e -> if (e !is ChannelRemovedException) { FailurePlaceholder( onRetryClick = { viewModel.prepare() } ) } }, notificationMenu: @Composable (isChecked: Boolean, onCheckedChange: (Boolean) -> Unit) -> Unit = { isChecked, onCheckedChange -> Column { ChannelSettingsNotificationMenu(isChecked = isChecked, onCheckedChange = onCheckedChange) menuDivider() } }, membersMenu: @Composable (memberCount: Int, onClick: () -> Unit) -> Unit = { memberCount, onClick -> Column { ChannelSettingsMemberMenu(memberCount = memberCount, modifier = Modifier.clickable { onClick() }) menuDivider() } }, leaveChannelMenu: @Composable (onClick: () -> Unit) -> Unit = { onClick -> Column { ChannelSettingsLeaveChannelMenu(modifier = Modifier.clickable { onClick() }) menuDivider() } })

Represents the screen for channel settings.

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fun ChannelSettingsTopBar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onNavigationIconClick: () -> Unit = {}, onActionClick: () -> Unit = {}, title: @Composable () -> Unit = { TopBarTitleText( stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_header_channel_settings), modifier = Modifier.padding(12.dp) ) }, navigationIcon: @Composable () -> Unit = { BackButton(onClick = onNavigationIconClick) }, action: @Composable () -> Unit = { SendbirdTextButton( text = stringResource(id = R.string.sb_text_button_edit), onClick = onActionClick ) })

The top bar for the ChannelSettingsScreen.

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fun SettingsMenu(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, icon: Painter? = null, iconTint: Color = LocalContentColor.current, iconSize: Dp = 24.dp, text: String? = null, textPaddingValues: PaddingValues = PaddingValues(horizontal = 16.dp), action: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit = {})

Represents the settings menu that displays the icon, text, and action.