A class representing query to retrieve GroupChannel list for the current User. The query can be get by calling sendbirdChat.groupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery().


  • default
    • GroupChannelListQuery


channelNameContainsFilter: string = ''

A channel name filter. GroupChannel list containing the passed channel name will be returned. If you pass name such as "abc", then the returned channel list will be containing name like "abc". It will return null if channel name filter hasn't been set before.

channelUrlsFilter: null | string[] = null

List of channel URL filter. It will return null if channel URL filter hasn't been set before. GroupChannel list containing only and exactly the passed GroupChannel URLs will be returned.

createdAfter: number

Restricts the search scope to only retrieve group channels which have been created after the specified time, in milliseconds.

createdBefore: number

Restricts the search scope to only retrieve group channels which have been created before the specified time, in milliseconds.

customTypesFilter: null | string[] = null

List of custom type filter. GroupChannel list containing only and exactly the passed custom types will be returned. It will return null if custom types filter hasn't been set before.

customTypeStartsWithFilter: null | string = null

A filter to return channels that start with the specified custom type. It will return null if custom type starts with filter hasn't been set before.

hiddenChannelFilter: HiddenChannelFilter = HiddenChannelFilter.UNHIDDEN

Hidden channel filter.

includeChatNotification: boolean = false

Whether to include chat notification GroupChannel. (default: false)

includeEmpty: boolean = false

Checks whether query result includes empty channels (channels without messages). (default: false)

includeFrozen: boolean = true

Checks whether query result includes frozen channels. (default: true)

includeMetaData: boolean = true

Whether to include channel metadata on fetch. (default: true)


The maximum number of data per queried page.

metadataKey: null | string = null

The metadataKey set with either metaDataValues or metaDataValueStartsWith.

metadataOrderKeyFilter: null | string = null

Meta data order key filter. It will return null if meta data order key filter hasn't been set before. This filter will work only if order is GroupChannelListQueryOrder.METADATA_VALUE_ALPHABETICAL

metadataValues: null | string[] = null

Works exclusively with metaDataValueStartsWith.

metadataValueStartsWith: null | string = null

Works exclusively with metaDataValues.

myMemberStateFilter: MyMemberStateFilter = MyMemberStateFilter.ALL

A filter to return channels with the current User state matching to MyMemberStateFilter.

nicknameContainsFilter: null | string = null

Searches for GroupChannels with members whose nicknames contain the specified value. If you pass nickname such as "abc", then the returned channel list will be containing member like "abc". This does not cooperate with other filters.

nicknameExactMatchFilter: null | string = null

Searches for GroupChannels with members whose nicknames match the specified value. This does not cooperate with other filters.

nicknameStartsWithFilter: null | string = null

Searches for GroupChannels with members whose nicknames starts with the specified value. If you pass nickname such as "abc", then the returned channel list will be containing member like "abc*". This does not cooperate with other filters.

order: GroupChannelListOrder = GroupChannelListOrder.LATEST_LAST_MESSAGE

Result order of channels.

publicChannelFilter: PublicChannelFilter = PublicChannelFilter.ALL

Public channel filter.

searchFilter: GroupChannelSearchFilter = ...

Search filter including fields and query string.

superChannelFilter: SuperChannelFilter = SuperChannelFilter.ALL

Super channel filter.

unreadChannelFilter: UnreadChannelFilter = UnreadChannelFilter.ALL

Unread channel filter.

userIdsFilter: GroupChannelUserIdsFilter = ...

User IDs filter. GroupChannel list containing exactly or inclusively the passed User IDs will be returned. This does not cooperate with other filters.


  • get hasNext(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether there is a next page.

  • get isLoading(): boolean
  • Returns boolean

    Whether the current query is in communication progress with server.


  • Returns Promise<GroupChannel[]>

    Gets the list of GroupChannels. If this method is repeatedly called after each next is finished, it retrieves the following pages of the GroupChannel list. If there is no more pages to be read, an empty list (not null). is returned.

  • Returns object

    Serializes the GroupChannelListQuery instance. This byte array can be stored in the database in your application. The instance can be restored by buildFromSerializedData.