
open class Builder


Link copied to clipboard
open fun Builder()
Constructor since 3.2.
Link copied to clipboard
open fun Builder(@NonNull themeMode: SendbirdUIKit.ThemeMode)
Link copied to clipboard
open fun Builder(@StyleRes customThemeResId: Int)


Link copied to clipboard
Creates an CreateOpenChannelFragment with the arguments supplied to this builder.
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Sets the custom fragment.
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Sets the icon on the left button of the header.
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Sets the icon on the left button of the header.
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Sets the title of the header.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the clear button related to the input is clicked.
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Sets the click listener on the left button of the header.
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Sets the click listener on the right button of the header.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the input text is changed.
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Register a callback to be invoked when the media selector is clicked.
Link copied to clipboard
Sets the create button text of the header.
Link copied to clipboard
Sets whether the header is used.
Link copied to clipboard
Sets whether the left button of the header is used.
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Sets whether the right button of the header is used.
Link copied to clipboard
Sets arguments to this fragment.