
open class Params

Parameters applied to this module and view of this module. The values of params are not dynamically applied at runtime. When used in each fragment, it is recommended to get the created params and set values in onConfigureParams(BaseModule, Bundle). since 3.0.0


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open fun Params(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull themeMode: SendbirdUIKit.ThemeMode, @AttrRes themeAttrResId: Int)
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open fun Params(@NonNull context: Context, @StyleRes themeResId: Int, @AttrRes themeAttrResId: Int)


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protected open fun apply(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull args: Bundle): BaseModule.Params
Apply data that matches keys mapped to Params' properties.
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open fun getTheme(): Int
Returns the theme, which can be applied to a fragment.
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open fun setUseHeader(useHeader: Boolean)
Sets whether the header is used.
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Returns whether the header is used.


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