
class Builder


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fun Builder()


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fun Builder(context: Context, @StyleRes textAppearanceRes: Int)



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fun build(): TextUIConfig

Builds an TextUIConfig with the properties supplied to this builder.

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fun setCustomFontRes(@FontRes customFontRes: Int): TextUIConfig.Builder

Sets the custom font resource id of text

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fun setFamilyName(familyName: String?): TextUIConfig.Builder

Sets the typeface family name of text

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fun setTextBackgroundColor(@ColorInt textBackgroundColor: Int): TextUIConfig.Builder

Sets the background color of text

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fun setTextColor(@ColorInt textColor: Int): TextUIConfig.Builder

Sets the color of text

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fun setTextSize(textSize: Int): TextUIConfig.Builder

Sets the size of text

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fun setTextStyle(textStyle: Int): TextUIConfig.Builder

Sets a value of