
open class InviteUserModule : BaseModule

A module for inviting users. This module is composed of a header, list, and status. All composed components are created when the module is created. After than those components can replace.

since 3.0.0


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open fun InviteUserModule(@NonNull context: Context)
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open fun InviteUserModule(@NonNull context: Context, @NonNull params: InviteUserModule.Params)


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open class Params : BaseModule.Params


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open fun getInviteUserListComponent(): InviteUserListComponent
Returns the list component.
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open fun onCreateView(    @NonNull context: Context,     @NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater,     @Nullable args: Bundle): View
Called after the module was created to make views to use in the Fragment or Activity.
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open fun <T : SelectUserHeaderComponent?> setHeaderComponent(@NonNull component: T)
Sets a custom header component.
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open fun <T : InviteUserListComponent?> setInviteUserListComponent(@NonNull component: T)
Sets a custom list component.
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open fun <T : StatusComponent?> setStatusComponent(@NonNull component: T)
Sets a custom status component.


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open val headerComponent: SelectUserHeaderComponent
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val params: InviteUserModule.Params
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open val statusComponent: StatusComponent