Message Item Factory
A factory Composable to create a message item based on the message type.
The UikitBaseMessage to display.
The modifier to be applied to the view.
The alignment of the content. By default, it's Alignment.Center for UikitTimelineMessage and UikitAdminMessage, and Alignment.CenterEnd for the current user's message, and Alignment.CenterStart for other users' messages.
The position of the message in the message group.
The handler for when the message is clicked.
The handler for when the message is long clicked.
The Composable to display the current user's UikitUserMessage. Defaults to MyTextMessageItem.
The Composable to display the current user's UikitFileMessage. Defaults to MyFileMessageItem.
The Composable to display the current user's media UikitFileMessage. Defaults to MyMediaMessageItem.
The Composable to display the current user's unknown message of UikitBaseMessage type. Defaults to MyUnknownMessageItem.
The Composable to display other users' UikitUserMessage. Defaults to OtherTextMessageItem.
The Composable to display other users' UikitFileMessage. Defaults to OtherFileMessageItem.
The Composable to display other users' media UikitFileMessage. Defaults to OtherMediaMessageItem.
The Composable to display other users' unknown message of UikitBaseMessage type. Defaults to OtherUnknownMessageItem.
The Composable to display UikitAdminMessage. Defaults to AdminMessageItem.
The Composable to display UikitTimelineMessage. Defaults to TimelineMessageItem.