
class UserInvitationViewModel(repository: UserInvitationScreenResourceRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle) : ViewModel, UserInvitationViewModelContract

ViewModel class for UserInvitationScreen.




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constructor(repository: UserInvitationScreenResourceRepository, savedStateHandle: SavedStateHandle)


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object Companion


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open override val channelState: StateFlow<UikitGroupChannel>

The StateFlow of the UikitGroupChannel.

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open override val inviteEventState: StateFlow<SimpleSendbirdEventState>

The StateFlow of the SimpleSendbirdEventState for the invite request.

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open override val loadMoreEventState: StateFlow<SimpleSendbirdEventState>

The StateFlow of the SimpleSendbirdEventState for the loadMore request.

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open override val uiState: StateFlow<SendbirdScreenUiState>

The StateFlow of the SendbirdScreenUiState.

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open override val userListState: StateFlow<List<UikitUser>>

The StateFlow of the list of UikitUser.


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open override fun invite(userIds: List<String>)

Requests to invite users to the channel. The result will be notified by UserInvitationViewModelContract.inviteEventState.

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open override fun loadMore()

Requests to load more users. This should be called when the user list scrolls to the bottom and requires more users.

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open override fun notifyInviteEventProcessed()

Notifies that the invite event has been processed to reset inviteEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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open override fun notifyLoadMoreEventProcessed()

Notifies that the loadMore event has been processed to reset loadMoreEventState to SendbirdEventState.Idle state.

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open override fun prepare()

The preparation process required for the screen. This contains the Chat SDK's connection by SendbirdChat.connect and getting the channel object ready if necessary.