Chat File Message
Represents Sendbird Compose Uikit's implementation of UikitFileMessage which contains the FileMessage object from the Chat SDK.
See also
The FileMessage instance.
The created timestamp of the baseMessage.
The flag that indicates whether the baseMessage is resendable.
The message of the baseMessage.
The message id of the baseMessage.
The params used in sending the baseMessage. This is only available when the message is not sent. It will be null if the message is sent successfully.
The plain url of the baseMessage.
The request id of the baseMessage.
The sender of the baseMessage.
The sending status of the baseMessage.
The thumbnail of the baseMessage.
The type of the baseMessage.
The undelivered member count of the message.
The unread member count of the message.
The updated timestamp of the baseMessage.
The url of the baseMessage.