
  • default
    • GroupChannelModule



moduleSpecifier: "__module__"
name: "groupChannel" = ...


  • Parameters

    Returns void

    Adds a GroupChannelHandler with a key.

  • Parameters

    • serialized: object

    Returns GroupChannel

    Builds GroupChannel instance from serialized data generated by serialize.

  • Parameters

    • serialized: object

    Returns GroupChannelListQuery

    Builds GroupChannelListQuery instance from serialized data generated by serialize.

  • Parameters

    • serialized: object

    Returns Member

    Builds Member instance from serialized data generated by serialize.

  • Parameters

    • userIds: string[]
    • isDistinct: boolean = false
    • Optionalname: string
    • OptionalcoverUrlOrImageFile: string | FileCompat
    • data: string = ''
    • customType: string = ''

    Returns Promise<GroupChannel>

    Creates GroupChannel with userIds and other parameters.

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<GroupChannel>

    Creates distinct GroupChannel with GroupChannelCreateParams. When this method is executed, GroupChannelCreateParams.isDistinct will be ignored.

  • Parameters

    • channelUrl: string

    Returns Promise<GroupChannel>

    Gets a GroupChannel with given channel URL.

  • Parameters

    • channelUrl: string

    Returns Promise<GroupChannel>

    Gets an GroupChannel with given channel URL from server.

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<number>

    Gets the number of my GroupChannels.

  • Returns number

    Gets the total number of unread message of GroupChannels with subscribed custom types.

  • Parameters

    • customType: string

    Returns number

    Gets the number of unread message of GroupChannel with subscribed custom type.

  • Returns number

    Gets the subscribed total number of unread message of all GroupChannels the current user has joined.

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<number>

    Gets the number of total scheduled messages.

  • Returns Promise<number>

    Gets the total number of unread GroupChannels the current user has joined.

  • Parameters

    Returns Promise<number>

    Gets the total number of unread message of GroupChannels with GroupChannelTotalUnreadMessageCountParams filter.

  • Parameters

    • channelUrl: string

    Returns Promise<void>

    Sends mark as delivered to this channel when you received push message from us.

  • Returns Promise<void>

    Sends mark as read to all joined GroupChannels. This method has rate limit. You can send one request per second.

  • Parameters

    • channelUrls: string[]

    Returns Promise<void>

    Sends mark as read to joined GroupChannels. This method has rate limit. You can send one request per second.

  • Returns void

    Removes all GroupChannelHandlers.

  • Parameters

    • key: string

    Returns void

    Removes a GroupChannelHandler for a key.