
Fragments provided to use UIKit's modules. Each Fragment has a single module structured by UI components and ViewModel. And below Callback functions are called on the onCreate method.

The functions below are called in order.

  1. onCreateModule
  2. onConfigureParams
  3. onCreateModule
  4. onCreateViewModel
After above methods are all called, the created view model tries to authenticate. User authentication completed means the fragment is ready to use. When authentication is complete, the onBeforeReady and onReady methods are called. The ReadyState let you know to determine the result of the authentication. If the ReadyStatus is READY, the current user instance and the channel instance ars available.

See also

since 3.0.0



The specific module type that the fragment that inherits this class wants to use


The specific view model type that the fragment that inherits this class wants to use


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protected abstract fun onBeforeReady(@NonNull status: ReadyStatus, @NonNull module: MT, @NonNull viewModel: VM)
After authenticate ()} is finished, onReady will be called with the result of authentication and all preparations will be ready to use.
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protected abstract fun onConfigureParams(@NonNull module: MT, @NonNull args: Bundle)
Called to initialize the module's params or components' params.
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open fun onCreate(@Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle)
Create a module and a view model, and proceed with the authentication process in the view model.
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protected abstract fun onCreateModule(@NonNull args: Bundle): MT
Called to do initial creation of a module.
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open fun onCreateView(@NonNull inflater: LayoutInflater, @Nullable container: ViewGroup, @Nullable savedInstanceState: Bundle): View
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protected abstract fun onCreateViewModel(): VM
Called to do initial creation of a view model.
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protected abstract fun onReady(@NonNull status: ReadyStatus, @NonNull module: MT, @NonNull viewModel: VM)
Called to start the operation of the fragment after authentication and module setup.
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protected open fun shouldAuthenticate()
Requests authentication with Sendbird Chat SDK.


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protected open val module: MT
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protected open val viewModel: VM


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