Live Platform API v1
Live Platform API
Live Platform API
Version 1

Prepare to use API

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Using Live Platform API, you can directly interact with the different types of resources which represent data associated with live event activities in your Sendbird application. The Live API is designed to use standard HTTP protocols and return JSON payloads in response to HTTP requests and is internally implemented based on the RESTful principles. While the native SDKs handle many of the requests and responses at the client-side, the Live API adds flexibility and abilities to your service from the server-side.

Note: The Live API is not designed for client-side use. Use the corresponding Live SDKs instead.

Base URL

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The base URL used for the Live API is formatted as shown below:


To get your Sendbird application ID, sign in to your dashboard, select the application, go to the Settings > Application > General, and then check the Application ID.


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A typical HTTP request to the Live API includes the following headers:

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf8
Api-Token: {master_api_token or secondary_api_token}
  • Content-Type: every request must include a Content-Type header.
  • Api-Token: either the master API token or a secondary API token is required for the Sendbird server to authenticate your API requests. An exception occurs when you attempt to perform certain actions outside the scope of the current application such as creating a new application, or retrieving a list of Sendbird applications, in which case you should provide Organization API.


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Your API requests must be authenticated by Sendbird server using any of API tokens of your Sendbird application. For this, you can use the master API token in your dashboard under Settings > Application > General > API tokens, which is generated when an application has been created. The master API token can't be revoked or changed.

Using the master API token, you can generate a secondary API token, revoke a secondary API token, or retrieve a list of secondary API tokens. For most of API requests, a secondary API token can be used instead of the master API token. As stated above, any of API tokens must be included in your HTTP request headers for authentication.

"Api-Token": {master_api_token or secondary_api_token}

Note: DON'T send any Live API requests from your app. If your API token information is leaked in the process of exchanging data, you could lose all your data by malicious API calls.

URL encoding

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When sending requests over HTTP, you should encode URLs into a browser-readable format. URL encoding replaces unsafe non-ASCII characters with a % followed by hex digits to ensure readability.

For example, if you are making a request to the following URL for a user whose ID is, the ID should be urlencoded to

GET https://api-{application_id}{user_id}/calls

As a result, the URL will be shown as below:

GET https://api-{application_id}