Live UIKit iOS v1
Live UIKit iOS
Live UIKit
Version 1


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Sendbird Live UIKit for iOS allows you to create customizable views and execute essential live functions such as create live events, list live events, host live events, and more. The following is a list of key functions which are provided in each corresponding view controller. Each function corresponds to a single view controller that creates the UI views.

UIKit for iOS provides pre-built UI components for the following functions.

List of key functions

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Key functionViewControllerDescription

List live events


Allows a user to list, create, and enter a live event.

Create a live event


Allows a user to create and enter a live event.

Host a live event


Allows a user to select users to host, start, and end a live event, and manage media during a live event.

Participate a live event


Allows a user to watch and chat in a live event.


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If you don't want to use the default view controller provided by the Live UIKit, you can customize the UI components in the Live UIKit to best suit your needs. The following are the three major ways you can customize the components.

1. Change the behavior of a view by overriding the functions

You can create a view controller which shares the interfaces of a pre-built view controller and override its functions to change the behavior of the Live UIKit.

class CustomLiveEventListViewController: LiveEventListViewController {
    // Customize the UI components by overriding functions from the Live UIKit-provided view controllers.

    override func setupViews() {

        let customView = UIView()

2. Change certain behaviors across the UIKit by modifying the public UI properties

You can add option flags and variables to change the corresponding UIKit behaviors.

let hostViewController = HostViewController()
hostViewController.allowHostExitWithoutEnding = false
hostViewController.endedLiveEventViewDisplayTime = 5.0


3. Change the style by customizing SBUStringSet, SBUColorSet, SBUIconSet, and SBUFontSet

By changing the values of global sets such as SBUStringSet, SBUIconSet, SBUColorSet, and SBUFontSet, you can change the default values for strings, icons, colors, and fonts in the UIKit respectively.

SBUStringSet.Live.HostView.liveEventEndDialogTitle = "Do you want to end?"
SBUStringSet.Live.ParticipantView.liveEventReadyBannerDescription = "Waiting for live to begin..."

SBUIconSet.Live.iconSpeaker = UIImage(named: SpeakerImage)