Live Platform API v1
Live Platform API
Live Platform API
Version 1

Set a live event to ready

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Sets a live event to ready. When a live event is in the ready state, users can start to enter the live event as participants and chat with the host. The host can stream their media but participants can’t watch or hear the host.

HTTP request

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POST https://api-{application_id}{live_event_id}/ready


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If successful, this action returns a live event that has been set to ready in the response body.

    "live_event": {
        "live_event_id": "60fce3f2-840a-49d2-99e9-4de7206010b5",
        "host_type": "single_host",
        "state": "ready",
        "created_at": 1657689627823,
        "set_ready_at": 1657689627867,
        "started_at": none,
        "ended_at": none,
        "is_host_streaming": false,
        "host": none,
        "created_by": "testuser-00be487",
        "set_ready_by": "testuser-00be487",
        "started_by": "",
        "ended_by": "",
        "duration": 0,
        "participant_count": 0,
        "peak_participant_count": 0,
        "cumulative_participant_count": 0,
        "user_ids_for_host": ["testuser-00be487"],
        "custom_items": {},

List of response properties

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Property nameTypeDescription


nested object

The live event that has been set to ready.