A group channel is a chat that allows close interactions between a limited number of users. In order to join this type of channel, an invitation from a channel member is required by default. Users can create 1-to-1 group channels or 1-to-N group channels and there's also a supergroup channel, which is an expanded version of a group channel that can accommodate more than 2,000 members in one channel.
The channelUrl parameter in SBUGroupChannelScreen constructor is required and the others are optional.
Widget screen = SBUGroupChannelScreen(
channelUrl: 'CHANNEL_URL', // Required parameter
params: MessageListParams(), // Params for MessageCollection
onMessageCollectionReady: (collectionNo) {
final collection = SendbirdUIKit.getMessageCollection(collectionNo);
// You can use the collection for this screen.
onScrollControllerReady: (scrollController) {
// You can use the scrollController for this screen.
onChannelDeleted: (channel) {
// Move to SBUGroupChannelListScreen.
onInfoButtonClicked: (collectionNo) {
// Move to SBUGroupChannelInformationScreen.
on1On1ChannelCreated: (channel) {
// Move to SBUGroupChannelScreen.
onListItemClicked: (channel, message) {
// A list item was clicked.