Chat UIKit Flutter v3
Chat UIKit Flutter
Chat UIKit
Version 3


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In order to use the features of Sendbird UIKit for Flutter in your client apps, a SendbirdUIKit instance must be initiated in each client app through user authentication with Sendbird server. The instance communicates and interacts with the server using an authenticated user account, and is allowed to use the UIKit's features. This page explains how to authenticate your user with the server.

Connect to Sendbird server

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Connect a user to Sendbird server using the SendbirdUIKit.connect() method. The connect() method also automatically updates the user profile on the server.

Refer to the code below to see how to connect a user to Sendbird server:

bool result = await SendbirdUIKit.connect('YOUR_USER_ID');

Disconnect from Sendbird server

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Call the SendbirdUIKit.disconnect() method if the user requests to log out. If a user has been logged out and thus disconnected from the server, they will no longer receive messages.

bool result = await SendbirdUIKit.disconnect();