Desk SDKs Android v1
Desk SDKs Android
Desk SDKs
Version 1


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Ticket refers to a unit of a customer's inquiry, forming the basis of all features and functionalities of Sendbird Desk. On this page, you can find how to create, retrieve, close, and display tickets on a client app.

Note: Every ticket has a corresponding group channel in the Chat SDK because the messages within a ticket are managed by Sendbird Chat.

Create a ticket

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Implement the Ticket.create() method to create a new ticket on the Desk server either before or after a customer's initial message. Once created, use ticket.getChannel() to retrieve the information of the ticket and its channel as a callback from the server. When a customer sends the first message, the ticket is assigned to an available agent by the Desk server while messages are sent and received through the Chat SDK.

Ticket.create(TICKET_TITLE, USER_NAME, new Ticket.CreateHandler() {
    public void onResult(Ticket ticket, SendbirdException e) {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error.

        // The ticket is created. Agents and customers can chat with each other by sending a message through the ticket.getChannel(), sendUserMessage() or sendFileMessage().

Note: Until a customer sends the first message, agents can't see the ticket on the Sendbird Dashboard.

You can also append additional information like a ticket's priority or related channel URLs by passing several arguments to the corresponding parameters.

Map<String, String> customFields = new HashMap<>();
customFields.put("product", "desk");
customFields.put("line", "14");
customFields.put("select", "option2");

    new Ticket.CreateHandler() {
        public void onResult(Ticket ticket, SendbirdException e) {
            if (e != null) {
                // Handle error.

            // The ticket is created with parameters.

List of arguments

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Specifies the title of the ticket.



Specifies the name of a user who submits or receives the ticket.




Specifies the unique key of a team for the assignment of the ticket.


[String: String]

Specifies additional information of the ticket that consists of field and its values. Only the field already registered in Settings > Ticket fields on your dashboard can be used.



Specifies the priority value of the ticket. Higher values stand for higher priority. Acceptable values are LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH and URGENT.



Specifies one or more group channel URL and its channel name in Sendbird Chat that are relevant to this ticket. Up to three related channels can be added per ticket.



Specifies the identifier of a specific bot. The bot with the specified bot key will be the assignee of the created ticket.

Retrieve a list of tickets

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Use the Ticket.getOpenedList() and Ticket.getClosedList() to retrieve a list of the current customer's open and closed tickets.

Note: Only ten tickets can be retrieved per request in descending order of the message creation time.

Ticket.getOpenedList(OFFSET, new Ticket.GetOpenedListHandler() {
    public void onResult(List<Ticket> tickets, boolean hasNext, SendbirdException e) {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error.

        // offset += tickets.size(); for the next tickets.
        // Implement your code to display the ticket list.

You can filter tickets by adding a ticket field as a search filter to the getOpenedList() and getClosedList(). Tickets that have a value of the selected field will appear on the ticket list.

Map<String, String> customFieldFilter = new HashMap<>();
customFieldFilter.put("subject", "doggy_doggy");

Ticket.getOpenedList(OFFSET, customFieldFilter, new Ticket.GetOpenedListHandler() {
    public void onResult(List<Ticket> tickets, boolean hasNext, SendbirdException e) {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error.

        // offset += tickets.length; for the next tickets.
        // Implement your code to display the ticket list.
        List<Ticket> openedTicket = tickets;

Retrieve a ticket

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You can retrieve a specific ticket using its channel URL.

Ticket.getByChannelUrl(channel.getUrl(), new Ticket.GetByChannelUrlHandler() {
    public void onResult(Ticket ticket, SendbirdException e) {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error.


Display open ticket count

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Use the Ticket.getOpenCount() to display the number of open tickets on a client app.

Ticket.getOpenCount(new Ticket.GetOpenCountHandler() {
    public void onResult(int count, SendbirdException e) {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error.

        // Implement your code with the value of the "count" parameter.

Close a ticket

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To allow your customers to directly close a ticket from their app, use the ticket.close() method.

ticket.close(CLOSE_COMMENT, new Ticket.CloseHandler() {
    public void onResult(Ticket ticket, SendbirdException e) {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error

        // Implement your code for the UI of the closed ticket.

Note: Only active and idle tickets can be closed by a customer.

Reopen a closed ticket

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Use the ticket.reopen() method to reopen a closed ticket from a client app.

Note: Tickets that have been closed more than 20 days prior to the request can't be reopened.

ticket.reopen(new Ticket.ReopenHandler() {
    public void onResult(Ticket ticket, SendbirdException e) {
        if (e != null) {
            // Handle error.
