Chat SDKs iOS v3
Chat SDKs iOS
Chat SDKs
Version 3
Sendbird Chat SDK v3 for iOS is no longer supported as a new version is released. Check out our latest Chat SDK v4

Message threading

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Message threading is a feature that allows users to ask questions, give feedback or add context to a specific message without disrupting the conversation flow. A message thread refers to a collection of messages grouped together, consisting of a parent message and its replies. It can have the following elements:

  • A message can have a thread of replies.
  • A message that has a thread of replies is a parent message.
  • A parent message and its threaded replies are collectively called a message thread.
  • Every message within a thread, whether it's parent or reply, is a threaded message.
  • A message that doesn't have any replies is an unthreaded message.


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Message threading can be widely used to help conversations flow smoothly while keeping users engaged. Message replies in a thread are common among popular messaging platforms, such as Slack and iMessage.

  • Conversation flow: Without message threading, it's hard to specify which message a channel member is responding to. Users would have to explain the context of their response, potentially confusing other channel members and distracting them from reading new messages. Message threads can help everyone stay engaged and carry on their conversation without any interferences.

  • In-depth discussions: By allowing users to reply to each other's messages in a thread, they can have more in-depth conversations on one topic. They're able to ask follow-up questions or provide more detailed explanations to a specific message without interrupting others in the channel. Message threads can encourage users to start topic-specific discussions separate from the main channel conversation.


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Refer to the following limitations before using the message threading feature:

  • Message threading doesn't integrate with SyncManager.
  • SDK only supports 1-depth threads, meaning you can only add reply messages to non-reply messages. You can't add a reply to a reply message.
  • Message threading is limited to text and file messages. You can't send admin messages as replies or add replies to admin messages.

List messages along with their replies

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You can retrieve messages and their replies.

Load channel messages

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The loadPreviousMessagesWithLimit:reverse:completionHandler: method of a SBDPreviousMessageListQuery instance returns a list of SBDBaseMessage objects. With this method, you can retrieve previous messages in a specific channel.


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The following table lists the properties of this class.

Property nameTypeDescription



Determines whether to include the thread information of the messages in the results when the results contain parent messages.



Specifies the type of message to include in the results.
- NONE (default): All messages that are not replies. These message may or may not have replies in its thread.
- ALL: All messages including threaded and non-threaded parent messages as well as its replies.
- ONLY_REPLY_TO_CHANNEL: Messages that are not threaded. It only includes the parent messages and replies that were sent to the channel.



Determines whether to include the information of the parent messages in the result. (Default: false)



(Deprecated) Determines whether replies are included in the results.



(Deprecated) Determines whether to include the parent message text in the results when the retrieved messages are replies in a thread. If the type of the parent message is SBDUserMessage, the value is a message property. If it is a SBDFileMessage, the value is the name of the uploaded file.

let listQuery = channel!.createPreviousMessageListQuery()
listQuery!.replyType = REPLY_TYPE
listQuery!.includeThreadInfo = INCLUDE_THREAD_INFO
listQuery!.includeParentMessageInfo = INCLUDE_PARENT_MESSAGE_INFO


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The following table lists the parameters that this method supports.

Parameter nameDescription


Type: NSInteger

Specifies the number of results to return per call. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive. The recommended value for this parameter is 30.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to sort the retrieved messages in reverse order. If false, the results are in ascending order.

// Retrieving previous messages.
listQuery?.loadPreviousMessages(withLimit: LIMIT, reverse: REVERSE, completionHandler: { (messages, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.


Load messages by timestamp or message ID

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The getMessagesByTimestamp:params:completionHandler: and getMessagesByMessageId:params:completionHandler: methods of a SBDBaseChannel instance return a list of SBDBaseMessage objects. By using these methods, you can retrieve messages in a specific channel according to a SBDMessageListParams object.


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The following table lists the properties of this class.

Property nameDescription


Type: NSInteger

Specifies the number of messages to retrieve that were sent before the specified timestamp or message ID.


Type: NSInteger

Specifies the number of messages to retrieve that were sent after the specified timestamp or message ID.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include the messages with the matching timestamp or message ID in the results.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to sort the retrieved messages in reverse order. If false, the results are in ascending order.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include the thread information of the messages in the results when the results contain parent messages.


Type: ENUM

Specifies the type of message to include in the results.
- NONE (default): All messages that are not replies. These message may or may not have replies in its thread.
- ALL: All messages including threaded and non-threaded parent messages as well as its replies.
- ONLY_REPLY_TO_CHANNEL: Messages that are not threaded. It only includes the parent messages and replies that were sent to the channel.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include the information of the parent messages in the result. (Default: false)


(Deprecated) Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include replies in the results.


(Deprecated) Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include the parent message text in the results when the messages are replies in a thread. If the type of the parent message is SBDUserMessage, the value is a message property. If it is SBDFileMessage, the value is the name of the uploaded file.

let params = SBDMessageListParams()
params.previousResultSize = PREV_RESULT_SIZE
params.nextResultSize = NEXT_RESULT_SIZE
params.isInclusive = INCLUSIVE
params.reverse = REVERSE
params.replyType = REPLY_TYPE
params.includeThreadInfo = INCLUDE_THREAD_INFO
params.includeParentMessageInfo = INCLUDE_PARENT_MESSAGE_INFO

By timestamp

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By using the getMessagesByTimestamp:params:completionHandler: method, you can retrieve a set number of messages of previous and next messages on both sides of a specific timestamp in a channel.

channel?.getMessagesByTimestamp(TIMESTAMP, params: params, completionHandler: { (messages, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.

    // A list of previous and next messages on both sides of a specified timestamp is successfully retrieved.
    // Through the messages parameter of the callback method,
    // you can access and display the data of each message from the result list
    // that Sendbird server has passed to the callback method.
    self.messages += messages!

List of arguments

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Specifies the timestamp to be the reference point for messages to retrieve, in Unix milliseconds format. Messages sent before or after the timestamp can be retrieved.

By message ID

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By using the getMessagesByMessageId:params:completionHandler: method, you can retrieve a set number of previous and next messages on both sides of a specific message ID in a channel.

channel?.getMessagesByMessageId(MESSAGE_ID, params: params, completionHandler: { (messages, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.

    // A list of previous and next messages on both sides of a specified message ID is successfully retrieved.
    // Through the messages parameter of the callback method,
    // you can access and display the data of each message from the result list
    // that Sendbird server has passed to the callback method.
    self.messages += messages!

List of arguments

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long long

Specifies the message ID to be the reference point for messages to retrieve. Messages sent before or after the message with the matching message ID can be retrieved.

List replies of a parent message

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You can retrieve replies of a parent message if you can specify the parent message like the following. First, create an SBDThreadedMessageListParams object and set properties related to the thread where the target replies belong to.

let params = SBDThreadedMessageListParams()
params.previousResultSize = PREV_RESULT_SIZE
params.nextResultSize = NEXT_RESULT_SIZE
params.isInclusive = INCLUSIVE
params.reverse = REVERSE
params.includeParentMessageInfo = INCLUDE_PARENT_MESSAGE_INFO


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Type: NSInteger

Specifies the number of messages to retrieve that were sent before the specified timestamp.


Type: NSInteger

Specifies the number of messages to retrieve that were sent after the specified timestamp.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include the messages with the matching timestamp in the results.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to sort the retrieved messages in reverse order. If false, the results are in ascending order.


Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include the information of the parent messages in the result. (Default: false)


(Deprecated) Type: BOOL

Determines whether to include the parent message text in the results when the messages are replies in a thread. If the type of the parent message is SBDUserMessage, the value is a message property. If it is SBDFileMessage, the value is the name of the uploaded file.

With the timestamp of the parent message, you can retrieve its replies by passing an SBDThreadedMessageListParams object as an argument to the parameter in the getThreadedMessagesByTimestamp:params:completionHandler: method.

parentMessage.getThreadedMessages(byTimestamp: TIMESTAMP, params: params) { (parentMessage, threadedReplies, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.

    // A list of replies of the specified parent message timestamp is successfully retrieved.
    // Through the threadedReplies parameter of the callback method,
    // you can access and display the data of each message from the result list
    // that Sendbird server has passed to the callback method.

List of arguments

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long long

Specifies the timestamp to be the reference point of the retrieval, in Unix milliseconds format.

View a single message

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You can retrieve a specific message by creating and passing the SBDMessageRetrievalParams object as a parameter to the getMessageWithParams:completionHandler: method.

SBDMessageRetrievalParams *params = [[SBDMessageRetrievalParams alloc] init];
params.messageId = MESSAGE_ID;
params.channelType = CHANNEL_TYPE;
params.channelUrl = CHANNEL_URL;


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Type: long long

Specifies the unique ID of the message to retrieve.


Type: SBDChannelType

Specifies the type of the channel.


Type: NSString

Specifies the URL of the channel to retrieve the message.

SBDBaseMessage.getWith(params) { (message, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.

    // The specified message is successfully retrieved.

Reply to a message

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You can reply to a specific message in a channel through the sendUserMessageWithParams:completionHandler: or sendFileMessageWithParams:completionHandler: method. To do so, you should create a SBDUserMessageParams or a SBDFileMessageParams object and then specify the parentMessageId property of the object. Sending reply messages works the same way as sending regular messages to a channel except replies have an additional parentMessageId property.

Reply with a text message

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When replying to a message through the sendUserMessageWithParams:completionHandler: method, you should specify and pass a SBDUserMessageParams object to the method as a parameter.

let params = SBDUserMessageParams(message: MESSAGE_TEXT)
params?.parentMessageId = PARENT_MESSAGE_ID


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long long

Specifies the unique ID of a parent message which has a thread of replies. If the message sent through the sendUserMessageWithParams:completionHandler: method is a parent message, the value of this property is 0. If the message is a reply to a parent message, the value is the message ID of the parent message.

channel?.sendUserMessage(with: params!, completionHandler: { (message, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.

    // A reply to a specific message in the form of a text message is successfully sent.

Reply with a file message

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When replying with a file message through the sendFileMessageWithParams:completionHandler: method, you should specify and pass a SBDFileMessageParams object to the method as a parameter.

let params = SBDFileMessageParams(file: FILE!)
params?.parentMessageId = PARENT_MESSAGE_ID


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long long

Specifies the unique ID of a parent message which has a thread of replies. If the message sent through the sendFileMessageWithParams:completionHandler: method is a parent message, the value of this property is 0. If the message is a reply to a parent message, the value is the message ID of the parent message.

channel?.sendFileMessage(with: params!, completionHandler: { (message, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.

    // A reply to a specific message in the form of a file message is successfully sent.

List changelogs

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You can retrieve message changelogs.

Load message changelogs

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Each message changelog has distinct properties such as a timestamp that indicates when a message was updated and a unique ID of a deleted message. Based on these two properties, you can retrieve message changelogs in two different ways: either by timestamp or by token. Both getMessageChangeLogsSinceToken:params:completionHandler: and getMessageChangeLogsSinceTimestamp:params:completionHandler: methods require a parameter SBDMessageChangeLogsParams object to determine what messages to return.

let params = SBDMessageChangeLogsParams()
params.replyType = REPLY_TYPE
params.includeThreadInfo = INCLUDE_THREAD_INFO
params.includeParentMessageInfo = INCLUDE_PARENT_MESSAGE_INFO


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The following table lists the properties of this class.

Property nameTypeDescription



Determines whether to include the thread information of the messages in the results when the results contain parent messages.



Specifies the type of message to include in the results.
- NONE (default): All messages that are not replies. These message may or may not have replies in its thread.
- ALL: All messages including threaded and non-threaded parent messages as well as its replies.
- ONLY_REPLY_TO_CHANNEL: Messages that are not threaded. It only includes the parent messages and replies that were sent to the channel.



Determines whether to include the information of the parent messages in the result. (Default: false)



(Deprecated) Determines whether replies are included in the results.



(Deprecated) Determines whether to include the parent message text in the results when the retrieved messages are replies in a thread. If the type of the parent message is SBDUserMessage, the value is a message property. If it is a SBDFileMessage, the value is the name of the uploaded file.

By timestamp

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You can retrieve message changelogs by specifying a timestamp. The results will include changelogs that were created after the specified timestamp.

channel?.getMessageChangeLogs(sinceTimestamp: TIMESTAMP, params: params, completionHandler: { (updatedMessages, deletedMessageIds, hasMore, token, error) in
    if error != nil {
        // Handle error.

    // A list of message changelogs created after the specified timestamp is successfully retrieved.


List of arguments

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long long

Specifies the timestamp to be the reference point for changelogs to retrieve, in Unix milliseconds format.

By token

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You can also retrieve message changelogs by specifying a token. The token is an opaque string that marks the starting point of the next page in the result set and it is included in the callback of the previous call. Based on the token, the next page will start with changelogs that were created after the specified token.

[channel getMessageChangeLogsSinceToken:TOKEN params:params completionHandler:^(NSArray<SBDBaseMessage *> * _Nullable updatedMessages, NSArray<NSNumber *> * _Nullable deletedMessageIds, BOOL hasMore, NSString * _Nullable token, SBDError * _Nullable error) {
    if (error != nil) {
        // Handle error.

    // A list of message changelogs created after the specified token is successfully retrieved.

Event delegate

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Once a reply is created or deleted from a thread, the channel:didUpdateThreadInfo: event delegate method is invoked. The method returns a SBDThreadInfoUpdateEvent object that has the latest information about the thread. This object needs to be applied to the parent message object.

Note: Like other messages, when a reply is created in a channel, the onMessageReceived() method of the channel event handler in client apps will be called.

func channel(_ channel: SBDBaseChannel, didUpdateThreadInfo threadInfoUpdateEvent: SBDThreadInfoUpdateEvent) {
    // Look for a message that has threadInfoUpdateEvent.targetMessageId
    // Apply the event to the message.

List of parameters

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Parameter nameDescription


Type: SBDBaseChannel

Specifies the channel that has the message thread.


Type: SBDThreadInfoUpdateEvent

Specifies a SBDThreadInfoUpdateEvent object that has the latest information about the thread.