Support Chat Guide v1
Support Chat
Version 1

Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

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The Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) feature enables users to rate their experience after interacting with an agent. When CSAT is activated, a CSAT question message is sent to the user once the chat session has ended. Users can then provide feedback by selecting a satisfaction score and optionally leaving a comment. The feedback gathered from CSAT responses helps enhance the quality of customer support services.


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  1. Sendbird Chat SDK integration with Salesforce Service Cloud. See guide.

Granting admin user permissions

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Admin users need Sendbird Lightning User permission to configure CSAT settings. If a user doesn't have this permission, do the following:

  • Go to Setup > Administration > Users > Users, then click on a user.
  • Click on Permission Set Assignments > Edit Assignments.

  • Find Sendbird Lightning User in the list of available permission sets and click Add, then click Save.

Step 1: Update Salesforce User's Chat UI

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CSAT Message Types

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The CSAT functionality uses specific custom message types:

  • CSAT Question: Sent as an admin message with custom type SALESFORCE_SUPPORT_CHAT_CUSTOMER_SATISFACTION

The UI should be customized to display CSAT questions differently from standard admin messages, including options for scoring and comments.

Implementation Details

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When submitting feedback, include the following data as a JSON string:

  • question_message_id (Required): ID of the original CSAT question message.
  • csat_score (Required): User's satisfaction score.
  • csat_comment (Optional): User's feedback comment.

Code Examples

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Case 1: Using Collection

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  onMessagesAdded: (context: MessageEventContext, channel: GroupChannel, messages: BaseMessage[]) => {
    if (channel.customType === 'SALESFORCE_SUPPORT_CHAT_CHANNEL') {
      const csatMessage = messages[0];
      if (csatMessage instanceOf AdminMessage) {
        if (csatMessage.customType === 'SALESFORCE_SUPPORT_CHAT_CUSTOMER_SATISFACTION') {
          // Draw CSAT Screen
          drawCsat(channel, csatMessage);
  // ...

Case 2: Using GroupChannelHandler

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channel.addGroupChannelHandler('HANDLER_KEY', new GroupChannelHandler({
  onMessageReceived: (channel: GroupChannel, message: BaseMessage) => {
    if (channel.customType === 'SALESFORCE_SUPPORT_CHAT_CHANNEL') {
      if (message instanceOf AdminMessage) {
        if (csatMessage.customType === 'SALESFORCE_SUPPORT_CHAT_CUSTOMER_SATISFACTION') {
          // Draw CSAT Screen
          drawCsat(channel, message);

drawCsat(channel: GroupChannel, csatMessage: AdminMessage): void {
  const satisfactionMessageData = JSON.parse(csatMessage.message);
  // code for display csat screen
  // use satisfactionMessageData.body
  // when rating completed.
  const csatResponse = {
    question_message_id: csatMessage.messageId,
    csat_score: score,
    csat_comment: comment,
    message: JSON.stringfy(csatResponse),

CSAT Response Format

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When a CSAT question message includes a rating, the data field contains:

  "data": "{
    \"csat_comment\": \"good\",
    \"csat_score\": \"4\",
    \"csat_rated_message\": \"Thanks for your feedback!\",
    \"csat_question_message\": \"How was your conversation?\"

Step 2: Enable CSAT

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To enable CSAT, update the properties related to CSAT settings in the Sendbird__Setting__c object using Salesforce's Developer Console. To learn more, see our documentation.

  1. Click the Setup button in the top-right corner of your screen and open Developer Console.

  2. Update the Sendbird__Setting__c object with the following properties:

Property NameTypeDescription



Determines whether to enable CSAT feature. An option to receive customer satisfaction feedback after closing a chat. The value should be set to true.



Satisfaction rating message after closing the chat.



Response to customer's CSAT feedback.

  1. Once you've updated the object, select the Query Editor tab at the bottom of the Developer Console window and execute the following query.
SELECT id, Sendbird__EnableCsat__c, Sendbird__CsatQuestionMessage__c, Sendbird__CsatRatedMessage__c 
FROM Sendbird__Setting__c 
  1. Update the CSAT settings as shown in the example below.

Note: If multiple objects exist, Sendbird uses the oldest Sendbird__Setting__c object.

Step 3: Updating CSAT Feedback in Salesforce Case

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To add CSAT feedback data to a Case, use the Sendbird Chat Platform API. This allows you to log customer CSAT feedback and retrieve CSAT records updated over a specific period. For more information, refer to the Sendbird Chat Platform API documentation here.

HTTP request

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GET https://api-{{app_id}}


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The following table lists the parameters that this action supports.




Specifies the start date and time for the range of CSAT logs to retrieve. The date string should be in the format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ.



Specifies the end date and time for the range of CSAT logs to retrieve. The date string should be in the format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ.




Specifies a page token that indicates the starting index of results to retrieve. If not specified, the index is set to 0.



Specifies the number of bots to return per page. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive. (Default: 10)


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If successful, an example response is as follows:

    "salesforce_channel_csat_logs": [
            "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_12345",
            "last_agent_user_id": null,
            "question_message_id": 249528566,
            "response_message_id": 249528762,
            "csat_question_message": "How was your conversation?",
            "csat_score": 4.0,
            "csat_comment": "great",
            "responded_ts": 1730878375630,
            "created_at": "2024-11-06T07:32:56Z",
            "updated_at": "2024-11-06T07:32:56Z"
    "next": "YB0RRFZTS1JAEEZdXF1afx"