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Chat SDKs Android v4
Chat SDKs Android
Chat SDKs
Version 4

List changelogs of polls

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Each poll changelog has distinct properties such as the timestamp of an updated poll or the unique ID of a deleted poll. Based on these two properties, you can retrieve poll changelogs using either the timestamp or the token.

By timestamp

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You can retrieve the poll changelogs by specifying a timestamp. The results only include changelogs that were created after the specified timestamp.

channel.getPollChangeLogsSinceTimestamp(TIMESTAMP) { updatedPolls, deletedPollIds, hasMore, token, e ->
    if (e != null) {
        // Handle error.

    // A list of poll changelogs created after the specified timestamp is successfully retrieved.

List of parameters

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Specifies a timestamp to be the reference point for the changelogs to be retrieved, in Unix seconds format.

By token

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You can also retrieve poll changelogs by specifying a token. The token is an opaque string that marks the starting point of the next page in the result set and it's included in the callback of the previous call. Based on the token, the next page starts with changelogs that were created after the specified token.

channel.getPollChangeLogsSinceToken(TOKEN) { updatedPolls, deletedPollIds, hasMore, token, e ->
    if (e != null) {
        // Handle error.

    // A list of poll changelogs created after the specified token is successfully retrieved.

List of parameters

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Specifies a token to be the reference point for the changelogs to be retrieved.