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Chat SDKs Flutter v4
Chat SDKs Flutter
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Retrieve a list of users in an application

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By using an ApplicationUserListQuery instance, you can retrieve a list of all or certain users in your Sendbird application. The loadNext() method returns a list of User objects which contain information on users within the application.

// Retrieve all users.
final query = ApplicationUserListQuery();

try {
  final users = await query.next();
  // A list of users is successfully retrieved.
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.


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Using a number of different filters in the ApplicationUserListQuery instance, you can retrieve a list of specific users that match the values set in the filters. Currently, the ApplicationUserListQuery instance supports the following filters.

List of filters

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Filter property nameTypeDescription



Specifies the unique IDs of users you want to retrieve. Specifying the userIdsFilter option enables this filter.



Specifies the nickname of users you want to retrieve. Specifying the nicknameStartsWithFilter option enables this filter.



Specifies the metadata keys of users you want to retrieve. Specifying the metaDataKeyFilter option enables this filter.



Specifies the metadata values of users you want to retrieve. Specifying the metaDataValuesFilter option enables this filter.

Note: We recommend you set the maximum number of user IDs in userIds to 250. If exceeded, your query may receive HTTP 414 error indicating that the submitted request data is longer than the Sendbird server is willing to interpret.

// Retrieve specific users using the userIDs filter.
final query = ApplicationUserListQuery();
query.userIdsFilter = ['Harry', 'Jay', 'Jin'];

try {
  final users = await query.next();
  // A list of matching users is successfully retrieved.
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.

// Retrieve specific users using the metaDataKey and metaDataValues filter.
final query = ApplicationUserListQuery();
query.metaDataKeyFilter = 'hobby';
query.metaDataValuesFilter = ['movie', 'book', 'exercise'];

try {
  final users = await query.next();
  // A list of matching users is successfully retrieved.
} catch (e) {
  // Handle error.