/ SDKs / JavaScript
Chat SDKs JavaScript v4
Chat SDKs JavaScript
Chat SDKs
Version 4

Migrating to Sendbird

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Sendbird provides convenient APIs to ensure a smooth transition of your chat services to Sendbird. Follow these essential steps to migrate your data from an existing provider or in-house solution. This process involves mapping your current data types to those supported by Sendbird.

1. Register users
Begin by migrating your users to the Sendbird system. Utilize the user creation API to register each user from your current chat solution to your Sendbird application.

2. Create a channel
Sendbird requires you to manually create a channel to house your messages. Sendbird Chat provides three types of channels:

Note: This step is crucial as channels are not automatically created for your data migration.

3. Migrate messages
Once your channels are set up, use the migrate message API to transfer your existing messages to Sendbird.

Note: The migrate message API allows a maximum of 100 messages per migration request. If you are migrating a large volume of data, contact Sendbird support to adjust migration rate limits for your application.

Register users

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Before creating a channel or migrating messages, you must register your users with Sendbird. This process involves mapping your existing user data to Sendbird's user data structure.

Note: If you have plans to migrate users who are deactivated, you have to make a separate API call to deactivate the user after migrating.

HTTP request

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POST https://api-{application_id}.sendbird.com/v3/users

Request body

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The following table lists the properties of an HTTP request that this action supports.




Specifies a user's unique ID. Maximum length is 80 characters.

* Do not use PII (Personally Identifiable Information) such as user email address, legal name, or phone number as it could jeopardize data security and privacy.



Specifies the user's nickname. Maximum length is 80 characters.



Specifies the URL of the user's profile image. If left empty, no profile image is set for the user. Maximum length is 2,048 characters. If the profile_url property is specified, the profile_file property is not required.

* Your application's domain filter filters out the request if the value of this property matches the filter's domain set.



Specifies the file of the user's profile image. An acceptable image is limited to a JPG, JPEG, or PNG file of up to 5 MB. When passing a file, you should send a multipart request. If the profile_file property is specified, the profile_url property is not required.




Determines whether to create an access token for the user. If set to true, an access token will be generated and returned in the access_token field. This token must be passed to the Sendbird server when a user tries to connect. This should be set to true in all real-world apps. (Default: false)


nested object

Specifies a JSON object to store up to five key-value items for additional user information such as their preference settings. The key must not have a comma (,), and the value must be a string.

* If you're making a multipart request to upload the user's profile image, you need to call a separate user metadata API to add metadata to the user.

* Do not use PII (Personally Identifiable Information) such as user email address, legal name, or phone number as it could jeopardize data security and privacy.



(Deprecated) Determines whether to create a session token for the user. If set to true, an opaque string token is issued and provided upon creation, which should be passed whenever the user logs in. If set to false, a session token isn't required when the user logs in. (Default: false)

* This property is deprecated and we encourage you to issue session tokens with the new /users/{user_id}/token endpoint for all Sendbird applications.



(Deprecated) Specifies the time for the issued session token to expire in Unix milliseconds format. The length should be 13. If a value of this property is not specified and the issue_session_token property above is set to true, the value of this property is set to the sum of the current timestamp and 604800000 by default, meaning seven days starting from the current timestamp.

* This property is deprecated and we encourage you to use the expires_at property instead for all Sendbird applications when issuing session tokens with the new /users/{user_id}/token endpoint.

    "user_id": "Jacob",
    "nickname": "Asty",
    "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_05_512px.png",
    "issue_access_token": true,
    "session_token_expires_at": 1542945056625,
    "metadata": {
        "font_preference": "times new roman",
        "font_color": "black"


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If successful, this action returns a user resource in the response body.

    "user_id": "Jacob",
    "nickname": "Asty",
    "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_05_512px.png",
    "access_token": "07a0ccf6d3e801223e65b06b6066352e0512b43c",
    "is_online": false,
    "is_active": true,
    "is_created": true,
    "phone_number": "",
    "require_auth_for_profile_image": false,
    "session_tokens": [],
    "last_seen_at": -1,
    "discovery_keys": ["123-456-7890", "654-321-0987"],
    "preferred_languages": [],
    "has_ever_logged_in": false,
    "metadata": {
        "font_preference": "times new roman",
        "font_color": "black"

In the case of an error, an error object like below is returned. See the error codes section for more details.

  "message":"\\"user_id\\" violates unique constraint.",

Create channels

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After you have migrated your users you will need to migrate your channels. Sendbird has three types of channels: open, group, and supergroup channels.

Note: If you have frozen channels or read-only channels, you need to freeze the channel after migrating.

Creating an open channel

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The following is an API implementation to create an open channel.

HTTP request

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POST https://api-{application_id}.sendbird.com/v3/open_channels

Request body

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The following table lists the properties of an HTTP request that this action supports.

Property nameTypeDescription



Specifies the channel topic, or the name of the channel. The length is limited to 191 characters. (Default: open channel)



Specifies the URL of the channel. Only numbers, letters, underscores, and hyphens are allowed. The allowed length is 4 to 100 characters, inclusive. If not specified, a URL is automatically generated.



Specifies the URL of the channel's cover image. The length is limited to 2,048 characters.



Uploads a file for the channel's cover image.



Specifies the custom channel type which is used for channel grouping. The length is limited to 128 characters.

* Custom types are also used within Sendbird's Advanced analytics to segment metrics as channel metrics can be grouped by channel custom type.



Specifies additional channel information such as a long description of the channel or JSON formatted string.



Determines whether to preserve messages in the channel to later retrieve the chat history. If set to true, messages in the channel aren't saved in the Sendbird database and chat history can't be retrieved. (Default: false)



Determines whether the channel to be created is an open channel based on a dynamic partitioning structure. The value of true indicates that the open channel can create several subchannels in order to accommodate a massive number of users. This property is set to true by default for Sendbird applications created after December 15, 2020.


array of strings

Specifies an array of user IDs to register as operators of the channel. The maximum number of operators allowed per channel is 100. Operators can delete any messages in the channel and receives all messages that have been throttled.

* Operators can't view messages that have been moderated by the domain filter or profanity filter. Only the sender will be notified that the message has been blocked.


array of strings

(Deprecated) Specifies the string IDs of the users registered as channel operators. Operators can delete any messages in the channel and even receive all messages that have been throttled.

Note: If you want to upload a profile picture by passing an image file instead of a URL, see Multipart requests.

    "name": "Live streaming show on channel 5!",
    "channel_url": "monday_channel_5_at_10_pm",
    "cover_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/cover/cover_02.jpg",
    "data": "{event_trigger:100,500,1000,2000}",
    "operator_ids": ["Alek", "Leslie"],
    "custom_type": "Live"


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If successful, this action returns an open channel resource in the response body.

    "name": "Live streaming show on channel 5!",
    "channel_url": "monday_channel5_at_10_pm",
    "custom_type": "live",
    "is_ephemeral": false,
    "participant_count": 0,
    "max_length_message": 5000,
    "created_at": 1484787758,
    "cover_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/cover/cover_02.jpg",
    "data": "{event_trigger:100,500,1000,2000}",
    "operators": [
            "user_id": "Alek",
            "nickname": "Alexander the Great",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_26_512px.png"
            "user_id": "Leslie",
            "nickname": "Crystal",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_27_512px.png"
    "freeze": false

In the case of an error, an error object like below is returned. See the error codes section for more details.

    "message": "Invalid value: \"channel_url. It takes only alphabets, numbers, hyphen and underscore.\".",
    "code": 400111,
    "error": true

Creating a group channel

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The following is an API implementation to create a group channel.

HTTP request

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POST https://api-{application_id}.sendbird.com/v3/group_channels

Request body

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The following table lists the properties of an HTTP request that this action supports.

If you are creating a 1-to-1 direct messaging channel, it is recommended that you set the value of is_distinct to true. If is_distinct is set to false, a new channel is created even for users with shared chat history and all previous conversations will be lost. On the other hand, if the is_distinct property is set to true, no new channel is created for users with shared chat history, and every 1-to-1 conversation between the same two users will continue in the existing channel.



array of objects

Specifies an array of one or more user objects to invite to the channel. Up to 100 users can be invited at a time. Specify a value for either user_ids or users.



array of strings

Specifies an array of one or more IDs of users to invite to the channel. Up to 100 users can be invited at a time. Specify a value for either user_ids or users.



Specifies the name of the channel, or the channel topic. The length is limited to 191 characters. (Default: group channel)



Specifies the URL of the channel. Only numbers, letters, underscores, and hyphens are allowed. The allowed length is 4 to 100 characters, inclusive. If not specified, a URL is automatically generated.



Specifies the URL of the channel's cover image. This should be no longer than 2,048 characters.



Uploads an image file of your choice to be used as the channel's cover image. If you want to upload a picture by passing an image file instead of a URL, see Multipart requests.



Specifies a custom channel type which is used for channel grouping. Maximum length is 128 characters.

* Custom types are also used when viewing data with Sendbird's Advanced analytics, as data can be grouped by their custom type.



Additional channel information such as a long description of the channel or JSON formatted string. More detail on what can be stored in the data field is available here.



Determines whether to reuse an existing channel or create a new channel when attempting to create a channel with the same group of members. By default, a new channel is created even if one already exists for the same members. You can override this and force an existing channel to be returned by setting a value of is_distinct to true.

You can also reuse channels if the new channel has the same members, and the same custom_type, or create an entirely new channel if there are the same members but had a different custom_type. (Default: false)

* You can also use this property in conjunction with custom_type and user_ids to create distinct channels for a specified channel custom type and group of users. To enable this functionality, visit this page and contact us on Sendbird Dashboard.



Determines whether to allow users to join the channel without an invitation. By default, a user must be invited to join a group channel. It is possible to allow any user to join a group channel without an invite by setting is_public to true.

Public group channels are similar to open channels but include extra features like typing indicators and are limited to 100 members. (Default: false)



Determines whether to allow the channel to accommodate 100 or more members. By default, a group channel has a member limit of 100. A Supergroup channel must be used in order to have more than 100 channel members. A Supergroup channel has a member limit of 2000.

A group channel can be created as a Supergroup channel by setting is_super to true.

The is_distinct property must be false in order to create a Supergroup. (Default: false)



Determines whether to preserve messages in the channel for the purpose of retrieving chat history. By default, all chat messages will be stored by Sendbird. This means that chat histories can easily be retrieved when using the SDK or API.

If is_ephemeral is set to true then no chat history is stored. In this case, the chat history can't be retrieved in the future.

This option may be helpful for exceptional data privacy requirements. (Default: false)



Specifies an access code that is only applicable to public group channels. If a value is specified for access_code, users will be required to enter this code when joining a group channel.

This parameter can only be used when the channel operator creates a public group channel. If specified, the is_access_code_required property of the channel resource is automatically set to true.
(Default: false)



Specifies the ID of a user who invites other users to the channel. The inviter isn't automatically registered to the channel as a member, so you should specify the ID of the inviter in the user_ids property if needed.



Determines whether to receive a 400111 error and cease channel creation when there is at least one user that doesn't exist in the specified user_ids or users property. Channel creation by default won't fail if a user passed to user_ids or users doesn't exist in the Sendbird application.

Setting strict to true causes a 400111 error during creation if any users passed to user_ids or users haven't already been successfully created. (Default: false)



Specifies one or more key-value pair items which set the invitation status of each user invited to the channel.

The key should be a user_id and the value should be their joining status. Acceptable values are joined, invited_by_friend, and invited_ by_non_friend. (Default: joined)



Specifies one or more key-value pair items which set the channel's hidden status for each user.

The key should be a user_id and the value should be their hidden status. Acceptable values are:

- unhidden (default): the channel is shown when a user's channel list is retrieved.
- hidden_allow_auto_unhide: if a new message is sent to a hidden channel, the channel automatically reappears to a user's channel list.
- hidden_prevent_auto_unhide: even if a new message is sent to a hidden channel, the channel remains hidden.


array of strings

Specifies an array of one or more IDs of users to register as operators of the channel. You should also include these IDs in the user_ids property to invite them to the channel as members. They can delete any messages in the channel, and also view all messages without any filtering or throttling. A channel may have up to 100 operators.



Determines whether to block users from joining the channel through the Chat SDK. If set to true, users can only join the channel using the Sendbird Platform API join a channel action. (Default: false)

    "name": "Saturday soccer members",
    "channel_url": "private_chat_room_424",
    "cover_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/cover/cover_08.jpg",
    "custom_type": "sports",
    "is_distinct": true,
    "user_ids": ["James", "Jay", "Jeff", "Young"],
    "operator_ids": ["Jeff"]


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If successful, this action returns a group channel resource in the response body.

Note : The role property in each user resource under the member property indicates whether the user is a channel operator or a channel member.

    "name": "Saturday soccer members",
    "channel_url": "private_chat_room_424",
    "cover_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/cover/cover_08.jpg",
    "custom_type": "sports",
    "unread_message_count": 0,
    "data": "",
    "is_distinct": true,
    "is_public": false,
    "is_super": false,
    "is_ephemeral": false,
    "is_access_code_required": false,
    "member_count": 4,
    "joined_member_count": 1,
    "unread_mention_count": 0,
    "created_by": {
        "user_id": "Jeff",
        "nickname": "OldBoy",
        "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_22_512px.png",
        "require_auth_for_profile_image": false
    "members": [
            "user_id": "James",
            "nickname": "Knight",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_08_512px.png",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_online": false,
            "last_seen_at": 1530237133254,
            "state": "invited",
            "role": "",             // Either 'operator' or null. The value of null indicates that this user is a normal channel member.
            "metadata": {
                "font_preference": "times new roman",
                "font_color": "black"
            "user_id": "Jay",
            "nickname": "Rooster",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_17_512px.png",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_online": false,
            "last_seen_at": 1530232836311,
            "state": "joined",
            "role": "",         // Either 'operator' or null. The value of null indicates that this user is a normal channel member.
            "metadata": {
                "font_preference": "times new roman",
                "font_color": "black"
            "user_id": "Jeff",
            "nickname": "OldBoy",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_22_512px.png",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_online": true,
            "last_seen_at": 0,
            "state": "",
            "role": "operator",     // Either 'operator' or null. The value of null indicates that this user is a normal channel member.
            "metadata": {
                "font_preference": "times new roman",
                "font_color": "gray"
            "user_id": "Young",
            "nickname": "Sportsman",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_23_512px.png",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_online": true,
            "last_seen_at": 0,
            "state": "invited",
            "role": "",             // Either 'operator' or null. The value of null indicates that this user is a normal channel member.
            "metadata": {
                "font_preference": "times new roman",
                "font_color": "black"
    "operators": [
            "user_id": "Jeff",
            "nickname": "OldBoy",
            "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_22_512px.png",
            "is_active": true,
            "is_online": true,
            "last_seen_at": 0,
            "state": "",
            "metadata": {}
    "last_message": null,
    "message_survival_seconds": -1,
    "max_length_message": 5000,
    "created_at": 1543468122,
    "freeze": false,
    "channel": {
        ...  # This key has been deprecated and only exists for backward compatibility.

Transfer messages

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The final stage of migration is to migrate your messages to Sendbird. Sendbird has three message types: User Message, File Message, and Admin Message. Each request can migrate 100 messages to a given channel.

See the Migrate messages page for API details.