/ UIKit / Android View
Chat UIKit Android View v3
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 3

Filter channel list

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You can statically filter a channel list when retrieving them by creating custom instances of GroupChannelListQuery. Currently, dynamic filtering is not supported. To change the filtering criteria, you must recreate GroupChannelListQuery.

Set GroupChannelListQuery within ViewModel

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The ChannelListViewModel is responsible for retrieving and managing a channel list. You can filter a channel list by modifying the properties of GroupChannelListQueryParams of ChannelListViewModel.

To apply a filter, inherit from ChannelListViewModel and implement the createGroupChannelListQuery() method. If you call the super.createGroupChannelListQuery() method, you can utilize the default GroupChannelListQuery.

class ChannelListFilteringSampleViewModel() : ChannelListViewModel(null) {
    override fun createGroupChannelListQuery(): GroupChannelListQuery {
        return GroupChannel.createMyGroupChannelListQuery(
            GroupChannelListQueryParams().apply {
                order = GroupChannelListQueryOrder.CHANNEL_NAME_ALPHABETICAL
                superChannelFilter = SuperChannelFilter.NONSUPER_CHANNEL_ONLY
                includeEmpty = false
                includeFrozen = true
                unreadChannelFilter = UnreadChannelFilter.ALL
                hiddenChannelFilter = HiddenChannelFilter.ALL
                myMemberStateFilter = MyMemberStateFilter.ALL

Set GroupChannelListQuery using fragment builder

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The ChannelListFragment.Builder also provides an interface to customize the GroupChannelListQuery. In this case, however, the default setting used by the UIKit can't be retrieved.

val fragment = ChannelListFragment.Builder()
            GroupChannelListQueryParams().apply {
                order = GroupChannelListQueryOrder.CHANNEL_NAME_ALPHABETICAL
                superChannelFilter = SuperChannelFilter.NONSUPER_CHANNEL_ONLY
                includeEmpty = false
                includeFrozen = true
                unreadChannelFilter = UnreadChannelFilter.ALL
                hiddenChannelFilter = HiddenChannelFilter.ALL
                myMemberStateFilter = MyMemberStateFilter.ALL

For an in-depth practical demonstration, see our sample code.