/ UIKit / Android View
Chat UIKit Android View v3
Chat UIKit Android View
Chat UIKit
Android View
Version 3

Customize user information

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You can customize the user information and the UI in the user list screen. This page guides you on how to customize each data type of user information within the UI, particularly in the following cases:

  • The user list UI when creating a channel.
  • The user list UI when inviting users to channels.

User attributes

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The users of the UIKit inherits from the UserInfo interface. The following table lists the properties of UserInfo.




The unique ID of the user.



The user's nickname. (Default: null)



The URL of the user's profile image. (Default: null)

Utilize the CreateChannelUserListAdapter

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By default, the UIKit provides a selectable UI when creating a channel or inviting a user. The CreateChannelUserListAdapter offers an interface to specify the state of the user item before the initial screen setup.

class CustomCreateUserListSample : CreateChannelUserListAdapter() {
    override fun isDisabled(item: UserInfo): Boolean {
        return item.userId == "deactivated user id"

    override fun isSelected(item: UserInfo): Boolean {
        return item.userId == "already selected user id"

List of methods

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Statically sets a list of user IDs that cannot be selected.

Note that it must be set before setAdapter is called.



Determines dynamically if the user should be not selectable from the list when rendering user information.



Determines is the user is currently in a selected state.

Create a new user list item

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You can create a new user list item UI by providing a separate ViewHolder that inherits from the BaseViewHolder. To learn about how to apply custom adapters, see this page.

class CustomCreateChannelUserListAdapter : CreateChannelUserListAdapter() {

    override fun onCreateViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup, viewType: Int): BaseViewHolder<UserInfo> {
        return SelectUserViewHolder(ViewSelectUserBinding.inflate(LayoutInflater.from(parent.context), parent, false))

    inner class SelectUserViewHolder(internal val binding: ViewSelectUserBinding) : BaseViewHolder<UserInfo>(binding.root) {
        init {
            // recommand register events
            // binding.root.setOnClickListener {}

        override fun bind(item: UserInfo) {
            // draw your custom user view here

For an in-depth practical demonstration, see our sample code.