Error codes
Sendbird Chat SDK for iOS has two types of error codes.
Client error codes: These errors are caused by the client app side, such as entering an incorrect or invalid parameter, or sending a request when disconnected from the Sendbird server.
Server error codes: These errors are caused by the Sendbird server side.
Client error codes
The following are errors labeled with six-digit integers beginning with 800 under the ChatError
Error | Code | Description |
invalidInitialization | 800100 | Failed to initialize the |
connectionRequired | 800101 | The request from a client app failed because the device isn't connected to the Sendbird server. |
connectionCanceled | 800102 | The connection is canceled or the disconnecting method is called while the |
invalidParameter | 800110 | An invalid value is specified for the parameter of the method. |
networkError | 800120 | Failed to connect to the Sendbird server due to unstable network or an unexpected error in the Chat SDK network library. |
networkRoutingError | 800121 | The request routing to the Sendbird server has failed. |
malformedData | 800130 | The data format of the server response is invalid. |
malformedErrorData | 800140 | The data format of the error message is invalid due to the problem with the request. |
wrongChannelType | 800150 | The channel type specified in the request is invalid. |
markAsReadRateLimitExceeded | 800160 | The interval between the successive mark-messages-as-read requests is less than a second. |
queryInProgress | 800170 | A retrieval request has arrived while the Sendbird server is still processing the previous retrieval request for channels, messages, or users, and is preparing to send the response. |
ackTimeout | 800180 | A timed-out error signaling that the Sendbird server has failed to send a response for the request within ten seconds. |
loginTimeout | 800190 | A timed-out error signaling that the Sendbird server has failed to send a response for the |
webSocketConnectionClosed | 800200 | The request has failed because it was submitted while the client app was disconnected from the Sendbird server. |
webSocketConnectionFailed | 800210 | Failed to establish websocket connection to the Sendbird server. |
requestFailed | 800220 | The Sendbird server has failed to process the request due to an internal reason. |
fileUploadCancelFailed | 800230 | The request to cancel a file upload has failed due to an unexpected error. |
fileUploadCanceled | 800240 | The file upload request is canceled. |
fileUploadTimeout | 800250 | A time-out error signaling that the Sendbird server has failed to complete the file upload request in the time period allowed. |
timerWasExpired | 800310 | An action wasn’t completed within a certain time frame. |
timerWasAlreadyDone | 800302 | Actions were completed multiple times when the action should have been completed just once. |
pendingError | 800400 | Message status doesn't match. |
passedInvalidAccessToken | 800500 | The client app failed to refresh a session with the given token because the token is invalid. |
sessionKeyRefreshSucceeded | 800501 | The session has expired and was refreshed with the given token. |
sessionKeyRefreshFailed | 800502 | The session has expired but the client app failed to refresh the session with the given token. |
collectionDisposed | 800600 | The client app attempted to use a message collection or a channel collection after it has already been disposed of. |
localDatabaseError | 800700 | The client app attempted to use local database with local caching. |
Server error codes
The following errors are six-digit integers beginning with 400, 500, and 900.
Code | Description |
400100 | UnexpectedParameterType |
400101 | UnexpectedParameterType |
400102 | UnexpectedParameterType |
400103 | UnexpectedParameterType |
400104 | UnexpectedParameterType |
400105 | MissingRequiredParameters |
400106 | NegativeNumberNotAllowed |
400108 | UnauthorizedRequest |
400110 | ParameterValueLengthExceeded |
400111 | InvalidValue |
400112 | IncompatibleValues |
400113 | ParameterValueOutOfRange |
400114 | InvalidURLOfResource |
400151 | NotAllowedCharacter |
400201 | ResourceNotFound |
400202 | ResourceAlreadyExists |
400203 | TooManyItemsInParameter |
400300 | DeactivatedUserNotAccessible |
400301 | UserNotFound |
400302 | InvalidAccessToken |
400303 | InvalidSessionKeyValue |
400304 | ApplicationNotFound |
400305 | UserIdLengthExceeded |
400306 | PaidQuotaExceeded |
400307 | DomainNotAllowed |
400401 | InvalidApiToken |
400402 | MissingSomeParameters |
400403 | InvalidJsonRequestBody |
400404 | InvalidRequestURL |
400500 | TooManyUserWebsocketConnections |
400501 | TooManyApplicationWebsocketConnections |
400700 | BlockedUser.SendMessageNotAllowed |
400701 | BlockedUser.InvitedNotAllowed |
400702 | BlockedUser.InviteNotAllowed |
400750 | BannedUser.EnterChannelNotAllowed |
400751 | BannedUser.EnterCustomChannelNotAllowed |
400920 | Unacceptable |
400930 | InvalidEndpoint |
403100 | ApplicationNotAvailable |
500601 | InternalError.PushTokenNotRegistered |
500602 | InternalError.PushTokenNotUnregistered |
500901 | InternalError |
500910 | RateLimitExceeded |
503 | ServiceUnavailable |
900010 | UserLoginRequired |
900020 | UserNotMember |
900021 | UserDeactivated |
900022 | UserNotOwnerOfMessage |
900023 | PendingUserSendMessageNotAllowed |
900025 | InvalidMentionForMessage |
900026 | InvalidPushOptionForMessage |
900027 | TooManyMetaKeyForMessage |
900028 | TooManyMetaValueForMessage |
900029 | InvalidMetaArrayForMessage |
900030 | GuestNotAllowed |
900040 | MutedUserInApplicationSendMessageNotAllowed |
900041 | MutedUserInChannelSendMessageNotAllowed |
900050 | ChannelFrozen |
900060 | ProfanityMessageBlocked |
900061 | BannedURLsBlocked |
900065 | RestrictedDomainBlocked |
900066 | ModeratedFileBlocked |
900070 | EnterDeletedChannel |
900080 | BlockedUserReceiveMessageNotAllowed |
900081 | DeactivatedUserReceiveMessageNotAllowed |
900090 | WrongChannelType |
900100 | BannedUserSendMessageNotAllowed |
900200 | TooManyMessages |
900300 | MessageNotFound |
900400 | TooManyParticipants |
900500 | ChannelNotFound |