/ Platform API
Platform API
    Chat Platform API v3
    Chat Platform API
    Chat Platform API
    Version 3

    List group channels

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    This action retrieves a list of group channels. You can use various query parameters to determine the search scope and select what kind of information you want to receive about the queried channels.

    If you want to retrieve a list of group channels that a specific user has joined, use the list group channels by user action under the User section.

    HTTP request

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    GET https://api-{application_id}.sendbird.com/v3/group_channels


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    The following table lists the parameters that this action supports.

    Parameter nameTypeDescription



    Specifies a page token that indicates the starting index of a chunk of results. If not specified, the index is set as 0.



    Specifies the number of results to return per page. Acceptable values are 1 to 100, inclusive. (Default: 10)



    Restricts the search scope to only retrieve distinct or nondistinct group channels. Acceptable values are the following:
    - all (default): All group channels are returned.
    - distinct: Only distinct group channels are returned.
    - nondistinct: Only group channels that aren't distinct are returned.



    Restricts the search scope to only retrieve either public or private group channels. Acceptable values are the following:
    - all (default): All group channels are returned.
    - private: All private group channels are returned.
    - public: All public group channels are returned.



    Specifies which type of group channels to retrieve. Acceptable values are the following:
    - all (default): All types of group channels including Supergroup channels are returned.
    - super: Only Supergroup channels are returned.
    - nonsuper: Group channels excluding Supergroup channels are returned.



    Restricts the search scope to only retrieve group channels which have been created after the specified time, in Unix milliseconds format.



    Restricts the search scope to only retrieve group channels which have been created before the specified time, in Unix milliseconds format.



    Determines whether to include empty channels in the response. Empty channels are channels that have been created but that don't have any messages. If set to true, empty channels are included in the response. (Default: true)



    Determines whether to include information about the members of each channel in the response. (Default: false)



    Determines whether to include information about the delivery receipts of each channel in the response. The delivery receipt indicates the timestamp of when each member has last received messages from the Sendbird server in the channel, in Unix milliseconds. (Default: false)



    Determines whether to include information about the read receipts of each channel in the response. The read receipt indicates the timestamp of when each member has last read the messages in the channel, in Unix milliseconds. (Default: false)



    Determines whether to include channel metadata in the response. (Default: false)



    Determines whether to include frozen channels in the response. Frozen channels are channels where only operators are allowed to send messages. (Default: true)



    Specifies the method to sort a list of results. Acceptable values are the following:
    - chronological (default): sorts by time of channel creation, from most to least recent.
    - latest_last_message: sorts by the time of the last message in the channel, from most to least recent. This is available only when user_id is specified.
    - channel_name_alphabetical: sorts by channel name in alphabetical order.
    - metadata_value_alphabetical: sorts by a value of metadata in alphabetical order. This is available only when the metadata_order_key parameter is specified.



    Specifies the key of an item in metadata. When a value of the order parameter is set to metadata_value_alphabetical, the results are alphabetically sorted by the value of the item specified by the key.



    Specifies a comma-separated string of one or more custom types to filter group channels. URL encoding each type is recommended. If not specified, all channels are returned, regardless of their custom type.



    Searches for group channels with the custom type which starts with the specified value. URL encoding the value is recommended.



    Specifies a comma-separated string of one or more group channel URLs to restrict the search scope. URL encoding each channel URL is recommended.



    Specifies one or more group channel names.



    Searches for group channels whose names contain the specified value. Note that this parameter is case-insensitive. URL encoding the value is recommended.



    Searches for group channels whose names start with the specified value. Note that this parameter is case-insensitive. URL encoding the value is recommended.



    Searches for group channels with all the specified users as members. The parameter value should consist of user IDs separated by commas.

    Only user IDs that match those of existing users are used for channel search. URL encoding each ID is recommended.



    Searches for group channels that include one or more users as members among the specified users. The value should consist of user IDs separated by commas or %2C. You can specify up to 60 user IDs.

    Only user IDs that match those of existing users are used for channel search. URL encoding each ID is recommended.



    Specifies a logical condition applied to the members_include_in parameter. Acceptable values are either AND or OR. For example, if you specify three members, A, B, and C, in members_include_in, the value of AND returns all channels that include every one of {A. B, C} as members. The value of OR returns channels that include {A}, plus those that include {B}, plus those that include {C}. (Default: AND)



    Searches for group channels with members whose nicknames match the specified value. URL encoding the value is recommended.



    Searches for group channels with members whose nicknames contain the specified value. Note that this parameter is case-insensitive. URL encoding the value is recommended.

    * We recommend using at least three characters for the parameter value for better search efficiency when you design and implement related features. If you would like to allow one or two characters for searching, use members_nickname instead to prevent performance issues.



    Searches for group channels with metadata containing an item with the specified value as its key. To use this parameter, either the metadata_values parameter or the metadata_value_startswith parameter should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metadata containing an item with the key specified by the metadata_key parameter, and the value of that item matches one or more values specified by this parameter. The string should be specified with multiple values separated by commas. URL encoding each value is recommended. To use this parameter, the metadata_key parameter should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metadata containing an item with the key specified by the metadata_key parameter, and the values of that item that start with the specified value of this parameter. URL encoding the value is recommended. To use this parameter, the metadata_key parameter should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metacounter containing an item with the specified value as its key. To use this parameter, either the metacounter_values parameter or one of the metacounter_value_gt, metacounter_value_gte, metacounter_value_lt, and metacounter_value_lte parameters should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metacounter containing an item with the key specified by the metadata_key parameter, where the value of that item is equal to one or more values specified by this parameter. The string should be specified with multiple values separated by commas. To use this parameter, the metacounter_key parameter should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metacounter containing an item with the key specified by the metadata_key parameter, where the value of that item is greater than the value specified by this parameter. To use this parameter, the metacounter_key parameter should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metacounter containing an item with the key specified by the metadata_key parameter, where the value of that item is greater than or equal to the value specified by this parameter. To use this parameter, the metacounter_key parameter should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metacounter containing an item with the key specified by the metadata_key parameter, where the value of that item is lower than the value specified by this parameter. To use this parameter, the metacounter_key parameter should be specified.



    Searches for group channels with metacounter containing an item with the key specified by the metadata_key parameter, where the value of that item is lower than or equal to the value specified by this parameter. To use this parameter, the metacounter_key parameter should be specified.



    Determines whether to include the sorted_metaarray as one of the last_message’s properties in the response.



    (Deprecated) Returns channels whose custom_type matches the given value. If this field is not specified, all channels are returned, regardless of their custom type. The string passed here must be urlencoded.



    (Deprecated) Superseded by show_read_receipt.



    (Deprecated) Superseded by show_member.



    (Deprecated) Superseded by distinct_mode.



    (Deprecated) Superseded by members_exactly_in.



    (Deprecated) Restricts the search scope to only retrieve the target user's group channels. It's recommended to use the list group channels by user action instead.



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    If successful, in the response body, this action returns a list of group channel resources.

        "channels": [
                "is_distinct": true,
                "is_public": false,
                "is_super": false,
                "is_ephemeral": false,
                "is_access_code_required": false,
                "freeze": false,
                "max_length_message": 500,
                "custom_type": "schedule_on_progress",
                "name": "On the upcoming AWS event",
                "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_25108471_a1bc35f5f0d237207bc1rd343562c878fc2fd426",
                "created_at": 1484185346,
                "created_by": {
                    "user_id": "Jin",
                    "nickname": "JinJin",
                    "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_09_512px.png",
                    "require_auth_for_profile_image": false
                "cover_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/cover/cover_43.jpg",
                "data": "{u'background_color': u'yellow', u'description': u'preparing presentation'}",
                "member_count": 3,
                "joined_member_count": 3,
                "members": [
                        "user_id": "Jay",
                        "nickname": "Rooster",
                        "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_13_512px.png",
                        "is_active": true,
                        "is_online": false,
                        "last_seen_at": 1542762346134,
                        "state": "joined",
                        "role": "",     // Either operator or null. The value of null indicates that this user is a normal channel member.
                        "metadata": {
                            "font_preference": "times new roman",
                            "font_color": "black"
                    ... # More members
                "delivery_receipt": {
                    "Jay": 1542762344162,
                    "Jin": 1542394323413,
                    "David": 1542543464371
                "read_receipt": {
                    "Jay": 1542762343245,
                    "Jin": 1542394301402,
                    "David": 1542543456343
                "last_message": {
                    "message_id": 640903435,
                    "type": "MESG",
                    "custom_type": "",
                    "mention_type": "users",
                    "mentioned_users": [],
                    "created_at": 1542762343245,
                    "updated_at": 0,
                    "is_removed": false,
                    "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_25108471_a1bc35f5f0d237207bc1rd343562c878fc2fd426",
                    "user": {
                        "user_id": "Jay",
                        "nickname": "Rooster",
                        "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_13_512px.png",
                        "metadata": {
                            "font_preference": "times new roman",
                            "font_color": "black"
                    "message": "Can you please make the presentation for me?",
                    "translations": {},
                    "data": "",
                    "file": {}
                "invited_at": 1542132194342,
                "inviter": {
                    "user_id": "Jin",
                    "nickname": "JinJin",
                    "profile_url": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_09_512px.png",
                    "metadata": {
                        "font_preference": "times new roman",
                        "font_color": "black"
                "unread_message_count": 0,
                "unread_mention_count": 0,
                "metadata": {
                    "background_image": "https://sendbird.com/main/img/bg/theme_013.png",
                    "text_size": "large"
                "channel": {
                    ... # This key has been deprecated and only exists for backward compatibility.
            ... # More group channels

    List of response properties

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    Property nameTypeDescription


    array of objects

    An array of group channel objects that match the specified optional parameters.



    The value for the token parameter to retrieve the next page in the result.

    In the case of an error, an error object like below is returned. See the error codes section for more details.

        "message": "\"User\" not found.",
        "code": 400201,
        "error": true

    Supergroup channels

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    To only retrieve Supergroup channels, you can use the same the list group channels action but set the super_mode parameter to super.

    You can also see whether a returned channel object is a Supergroup channel by checking that the is_super response property has a value of true.

    HTTP request

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    GET https:/api-{application_id}.sendbird.com/v3/group_channels?super_mode=super


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    The following table lists the parameters that this action supports.

    Parameter nameTypeDescription



    Specifies which type of group channels to retrieve. Acceptable values are the following:
    - all (default): retrieves all types of group channels including Supergroup channels.
    - super: retrieves only Supergroup channels.
    - nonsuper: retrieves group channels excluding Supergroup channels.


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    If successful, this action returns a group channel resource of Supergroup channel in the response body.

        "is_distinct": false,
        "is_public": false,
        "is_super": true,
        "is_ephemeral": false,
        "is_access_code_required": false,
        "freeze": false,
        "max_length_message": 500,
        "custom_type": "schedule_on_progress",
        "name": "On the upcoming AWS event",
        "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_25108471_a1bc35f5f0d237207bc1rd343562c878fc2fd426",
        "created_at": 1484185346,
        "created_by": {
            "user_id": "Jin",
            "nickname": "JinJin",
            "profile_url": "https:/sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_09_512px.png",
            "require_auth_for_profile_image": false
        "cover_url": "https:/sendbird.com/main/img/cover/cover_43.jpg",
        "data": "{u'background_color': u'yellow', u'description': u'preparing presentation'}",
        "member_count": 3,
        "joined_member_count": 3,
        "members": [
                "user_id": "Jay",
                "nickname": "Rooster",
                "profile_url": "https:/sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_13_512px.png",
                "is_active": true,
                "is_online": false,
                "last_seen_at": 1542762346134,
                "state": "joined",
                "role": "",     // Either 'operator' or null. The value of null indicates that this user is a normal channel member.
                "metadata": {
                    "font_preference": "times new roman",
                    "font_color": "black"
            ... # More members
        "delivery_receipt": {
            "Jay": 1542762344162,
            "Jin": 1542394323413,
            "David": 1542543464371
        "read_receipt": {
            "Jay": 1542762343245,
            "Jin": 1542394301402,
            "David": 1542543456343
        "last_message": {
            "message_id": 640903435,
            "type": "MESG",
            "custom_type": "",
            "mention_type": "users",
            "mentioned_users": [],
            "created_at": 1542762343245,
            "updated_at": 0,
            "is_removed": false,
            "channel_url": "sendbird_group_channel_25108471_a1bc35f5f0d237207bc1rd343562c878fc2fd426",
            "user": {
                "user_id": "Jay",
                "nickname": "Rooster",
                "profile_url": "https:/sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_13_512px.png",
                "metadata": {
                    "font_preference": "times new roman",
                    "font_color": "black"
            "message": "Can you please make the presentation for me?",
            "translations": {},
            "data": "",
            "file": {}
        "invited_at": 1542132194342,
        "inviter": {
            "user_id": "Jin",
            "nickname": "JinJin",
            "profile_url": "https:/sendbird.com/main/img/profiles/profile_09_512px.png",
            "metadata": {
                "font_preference": "times new roman",
                "font_color": "black"
        "unread_message_count": 0,
        "unread_mention_count": 0,
        "channel": {
            ... # This key has been deprecated and only exists for backward compatibility.

    In the case of an error, an error object like below is returned. See the error codes section for more details.

        "message": "\"User\" not found.",
        "code": 400201,
        "error": true